Monday 8 June 2015

A New Project

I have decided to dedicate this blog to my art progress as well as my editing progress. I have drawing for as long as I can remember but I never really thought I could make a career out of it. I've always wanted to, of course, but didn't bother to put any effort into training myself to work at a professional and employable level.

Well, I predict that it's gonna be a long and difficult journey. I plan to try and do at least one painting/drawing/study everyday and will be posting my progress on this blog (or that you and I can laugh at how horrible they are and) to document my learning process. 

I'll still be editing and posting about it. Ya know, you can out your fingers in more than one pies... I hate that expression.

Above: A character concept design I did last year.

My goal is to do a thousand bad drawings. Or a million. Whatever it takes to get myself to an employable level. And to improve as an artist and a story teller. I've always wanted to be a comic artist or concept artist. I love coming up with ideas and thinking about stories. I hope to learn lots of creative problem solving skills and to not get attached to every piece of work I produce.

Right. Well, we'll see how it goes :) keep up with my project if you want. And if you decide to do this yourself, be sure to share your progress with me!

Live long and pwoper! 

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