Tuesday 30 June 2015


End of June and my daily challenge has resulted me feeling uninspired and exhausted. 

Sigh, I hope July will be better. 

Sunday 28 June 2015

Let's Fight Together!

With pride, we celebrate Gay Pride Parade 2015 and fight for the freedom to love.

Monday 22 June 2015


I've been doing a lot of paintings lately so I thought I'd practice more on my sketching today.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Draw with Jazza's Age Swap Challenge

Where's the babyyy? THERE HE IS!
This is my entry for Draw With Jazza's June Monthly Challenge.
Manny and Squirt from Ice Age. I did some research for this (I watched Ice Age again, and I also) looked at some images of what humans looked like back in the ice age.
I really enjoyed this challenge. I'm quite proud of Squirt's face and the landscape. This has also been a massive learning curve because I've experimented with several layer options and settings.

Saturday 20 June 2015


Sorry, I'll paint this tomorrow. Too... *yawn*... tired.

Friday 19 June 2015


Practicing for the Draw With Jazza Monthly Challange. I'm planning to do an ICE AGE age swap. So far I've only got one character in, I've yet to do 3 more. How riveting (!).

Thursday 18 June 2015


Feeling good because it feels like I'm getting back on track!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

17.6.15 #2

Artist block was strong, tonight. 


Wasn't up for painting today :/ Ah man, I can't believe this is happening. I have designed some logos for rasikaCart. 

Which do you prefer?

Monday 15 June 2015


One con I have found when value mapping is that NO COLOUR EVER WORKS!

Sunday 14 June 2015


Landscape painting has always been a weak point for me. I don't know, I always tend to give up during the rendering stage and say "That'll do!". This painting really proves that point. 

Oh well, this means I need to practice more and watch a lot more Bob Ross episodes. 

Saturday 13 June 2015


This one was inspired by an All You Need Is Kill cover and concept art. I've also used a new set of brushes I got from Comic Artist Monthly.

Thursday 11 June 2015

11.6.15 #2

Here we go! Another skin tone study, taking the colour palette from a Jessica Chastain photograph (excluding the hair of course). 


Tried a mech design today. I've also attempted to do a gradient map. Yeeeeeaaaaah. . . I need a lot more practice but I had fun attempting it.

Wednesday 10 June 2015


YAWN! Today's just a really tiring day. Unfortunately, I really just want to sleep right now and only have the tiniest bit of energy to do this character skin tone practice from imagination. 

Boom. I sleep now. 

Maybe I'll do something better tomorrow.

Tuesday 9 June 2015


Again, another skin tone study using Mad Max: Fury Road as a reference.

Monday 8 June 2015

8.6.15 #2

I guess you could say I'm still caught up with Mad Max hype. The painting from imagination I did earlier in the day didn't work out or I did a skin tone study with a reference image. 

8.6.15 #1

This is the first illustration of the day and it's very poorly. One of those days, huh?


My first daily study. I really just messed around with a blue and orange colour palette here and created something very rough. 

A New Project

I have decided to dedicate this blog to my art progress as well as my editing progress. I have drawing for as long as I can remember but I never really thought I could make a career out of it. I've always wanted to, of course, but didn't bother to put any effort into training myself to work at a professional and employable level.

Well, I predict that it's gonna be a long and difficult journey. I plan to try and do at least one painting/drawing/study everyday and will be posting my progress on this blog (or that you and I can laugh at how horrible they are and) to document my learning process. 

I'll still be editing and posting about it. Ya know, you can out your fingers in more than one pies... I hate that expression.

Above: A character concept design I did last year.

My goal is to do a thousand bad drawings. Or a million. Whatever it takes to get myself to an employable level. And to improve as an artist and a story teller. I've always wanted to be a comic artist or concept artist. I love coming up with ideas and thinking about stories. I hope to learn lots of creative problem solving skills and to not get attached to every piece of work I produce.

Right. Well, we'll see how it goes :) keep up with my project if you want. And if you decide to do this yourself, be sure to share your progress with me!

Live long and pwoper!